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Autographs from my collection:


Trevor Bannister Interests Sheet

More autographs from AYBS cast members:

(The following 28 images are used with kind permission by photographer Andrew Ruff who is the owner and creator of @cppodcast1 and @CP_TheWorks.
You can also view his podcasts here.

(The following 7 images are used with kind permission by William at: “Song Stage and Screen Autographs”):


John Inman Autograph

(Image provided by anonymous contributor)


Arthur English Autographs

(Images provided by anonymous contributor)

Link to an Arthur Brough autograph


Arthur Brough letter:


(The following 7 images are used with kind permission by Charles Lee at

(The following 3 images are used with kind permission by Michiel De Boom at

(The following 10 images are used with kind permission by Stuart at


(The following 5 images are used with kind permission by Wendell):


(The following image is from my collection):


(The following image is used with kind permission from Pieter de Boer at


(The following image is used with kind permission from Graeme):

(The following image is used with kind permission from Lynn Briggs):

(The following image is used with kind permission from Denny Rahn):


Day Covers

Mollie Sugden Letter

Wendy Richard Letter


“Trevor Banister and Mollie Sugden opened a knitting store nearby, so I went along to get their autographs.
This was one of the few times I actually met the person I was getting the autograph from.”
-Laurence who runs a site at: (Used with permission).


Have an unique autograph/image not listed here to share? Let me know by filling out form below: