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AYBS RPG #11 (2011)

Posted: 7:53 PM - Sep 18, 2011
Summer is slowly changing to Fall and Grace Brothers staff are working hard to get the fall gear in place for their customers. There is still much unpacking to do, but progress is being made and the staff is ready for business.

Posted: 3:09 AM - Sep 19, 2011
Shirley Brahms is walking back from the stock room when she notices a flyer on the staff notice board that says...

Grace Brothers Department Store's
First Annual Halloween Party
Join us on 31 October, in the social club from 8pm til midnight for food, fun, and merriment!
Fancy dress contest begins at nine and prizes shall be awarded for best male, best female, best couple, and best overall
No children under eighteen permitted

Blimey! I wonder if the others 'ave seen this lot. Wonder what the prizes are...

She rushes back to the Ladies Counter and addresses Mrs Slocombe

'Ere! Did you read the notice up on the board? They're 'avin' a 'Alloween party wif a fancy dress contest an' all!

Posted: 3:13 AM - Sep 19, 2011
Claybourne Humphries returns from his tea break and sees the notice as well; he rushes back to his counter to tell the others

Did you see the notice on the board? They're having a Halloween party in the social club on the thirty-first of October, with a fancy dress contest as well! What do you think Mr Grainger? Mr Lucas?

Posted: 12:30 PM - Sep 19, 2011
A fancy dress contest heh? <questions as he listens to Mr. Humphries>

Well I'm all for that. Wonder what characters everyone will decide to do?

I haven't dressed for Hallowe'en for years, this should be fun. <snickers>

Posted: 12:58 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Did you see the notice for the Halloween party on the notice board Miss Brahams?

Miss Brahams: Yes I was coming to tell you about it.

Mrs. Slocumbe: I wonder what made Young Mr. Grace decide to hold a Halloween party this year? He's never done that before. Must be some scheme of his to wrestle his new secretary into the duplicating closet. I wonder what I can choose for a costume. It is fancy dress and all. Well we can figure that out later. Come on Miss Brahams, we need to unpack all these winter coats, scarves and gloves yet. My hasn't it turned chilly awfully fast for September? Christmas will be here before you know it.

Posted: 1:00 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold both come out of Mr. Rumbold's office.

Captain Peacock: Mr. Grainger, Mr. Humphries, Mr. Lucase are you free? Mrs. Slocumbe, Miss Brahams are you free?

A chorus of "we're frees" wafts over. Gather round here Captain Peacock motions. Mr. Rumbold has a bit of announcing to do concerning the Halloween Party.

Posted: 1:11 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Gather round everybody.

Mrs. Slocumbe: We are gathered round!

Well I'm sure by now you all have read the notice on the notice board about the Halloween party. Young Mr. Grace thought it might be nice to hold a contest to see which department comes up with the best costumes. He's offering a twenty-five pound prize for the best department to be distributed among said members of department and, he is also offering a ten pound prize for best costume of that department! Decorating the departments for the holiday is also encouraged with a 10 pound prize for the best decorated department! I'm sure we all want to take advantage of Young Mr. Grace's generosity to save for Christmas. I propose that we all meet after the closing bell to plan what we're going to do.

At this announcement everyone begins talking at once then it dawns on them that they have to stay late.

Mrs.. Slocumbe: If I don't make it home on the stroke of 6 my pussy climbs up the drapes and meows! Mrs. Axelby has gone to visit her daughter for a few days and she's not home to let Tiddles out to be a good girl in the garden.

Miss Brahams: Me and Mr. Lucas have a date to go to dinner and the movies don't we Mr. Lucas?

Mr. Lucas: We do we do Miss Brahams! Its taken me too long to get you to go on a date with me and I'm not about to let a conference interfere with that and I am unanimous in that!

Everyone smirks at Miss Brahams and Mr. Lucas secretly pleased that they seem to be making a good go of it as a couple now.

Captain Peacock: I must say its not exactly convenient for me either.

Mr. Grainger: Mrs. Grainger is making my favorite dinner tonight bobble and squeak.

Mr. Humphries: Well I don't mind one way or the other.

Mr. Rumbold: Well if this evening isn't convenient for everyone I'm sure we can all get here at 8 tomorrow morning to talk about what we plan to do. We don't have a lot of time to assemble what we need for costumes and decorations. Everyone else in the store will be doing the same thing.

Everyone grumbles at this last minute conference.

Mr. Lucas: They don't give you time to have a private life at all do they he says to Mr. Humphries. He grins at Miss Brahams. Don't worry luv I can change the dinner reservation for later. We'll still be able to make it. Miss Brahams smiles and winks.

Posted: 1:58 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Mr. Harmon has a huge trolly full of winter gear for both departments. Come on Seymour, those trollies over here.

Mr. Harmon is sporting a new display unit. The dummy has a plastic mac on it, a pair of boots and a hat.

Captain Peacock: Mr. Harmon how many times have I told you that you're not to be on the floor after the opening bell has rung!

Mr. Harmon: It's only five to 9 Captain Peacock and the opening bell hasn't rung yet! I have every right to be here on the floor seeings as to how I'm to take this one trolly to the gents and find a spot for this new display unit.

Captain Peacock: Well now that you have it here what does it do?

Mr. Harmon: I'm glad you asked me that Captain Peacock. Let me introduce you to the new point-of-sale model for Totes.

Captain Peacock: Totes? What an odd name for a plastic mac.

Mr. Harmon: Well there is a reason for it being called that you see. I'll demonstrate.

Captain Peacock: Mr. Grainger, Mr. Humphries, Mr. Lucas are you free? Mrs. Slocumbe, Miss Brahams are you free?

A chorus of I'm frees comes back. Gather round everybody. Mr. Harmon is going to demonstrate the new Totes display.

Mrs. Slocumbe: A Totes what?

Mr. Harmon: Welcome to the new Totes display. Have you ever been caught out in a rain storm with out a brolly? This new line of foul weather gear is made just for you. He flips a switch and water begins to squirt up from the bottom of the platform. This mac , hat and boots can all be folded up to carry in this pouch. Mr. Harmon shows them the storage pouch. It doesn't take up much room in a handbag or a briefcase. They are unisex so they work for everybody. All of a sudden, the water begins spraying over everything. Mr. Harmon begins fiddling with the switch in the back trying to shut it off. By this time, everyone has been doused with water.

Captain Peacock: Take it away Mr. Harmon!

Mr. Harmon: Seymour bring that trolly over. Give half of that lot to the ladies and the other half to the gents. I'll take this display down to maintenance and see what happened to it. Probably a wire loose or something.

Mrs. Slocumbe: How much is that lot Mr. Harmon?

Mr. Harmon: The whole set sells for ten pound fifty which is quite a bargin when you consider what it would cost to buy all three pieces separately. They come in three colors, clear, gray or black.

Posted: 2:07 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe: Did you ever see the like Miss Brahams?

Miss Brahams: No but you have to admit, its a good idea.

Mrs. Slocumbe: I agree. Many a time I've had to walk home from me bus in the rain because I didn't have my umbrella with me. Look you can pull the boots over your shoes as well.

Posted: 6:36 PM - Sep 19, 2011
shakingfist huh2 angry2withwaggingfinger blink

Grainger becomes speechless after being doused with water. The novelty of dressing up disappeared after Harman demonstrated the Totes monstrosity.

"Captain Peacock, Mr. Rumbold, may I be excused so I can tidy my counter before the opening bell rings?"

Posted: 8:09 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Certainly you may Mr. Grainger. Mr. Rumbold would it be alright if I called housekeeping so we can get this water mopped up before the store opens? We don't want any of our customers to slip and fall from it do we.

Mr. Rumbold: Quite right Captain Peacock. I need to go phone Young Mr. Grace any way and let him know we will be staying in the store after hours. I'll phone housekeeping for the clean up while I'm calling. He bustles off to his office.

Captain Peacock: I must say Mrs. Peacock is not going to be very pleased that I have to stay behind again. She's starting to become suspicious of the late nights that we've been forced to deal with. After a day in this place, that is the last thing on my mind is any illicit assignations! Mind you she will be pleased at the possibility of me winning a few extra bob if we're successful.

Posted: 8:37 PM - Sep 19, 2011
<Sighes> I'll call and change the reservation for our dinner Shirley, er, I mean Ms. Brahms. We may not make the movies...but we'll still have an after dinner treat. <smiles>

Posted: 10:13 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Humphries: Towel for Mr Grainger.

Humphries wipes off his jacket with his handkerchief, not noticing that his trousers got hit with water in a rather delicate area.

Lucas: (whispering) You might want to visit the gents with me.

Humphries: (wide-eyed) You what?!

Lucas: Your trousers, mate. You look like you've just had a Jimmy1.

Humphries: I shall smack your wrist in a moment!

Lucas: (face-palms) C'mere! (leads Humphries to a mirror)

Humphries: OH! Why didn't you say something?! (bolts for the gents room to dry off)

1Cockney Rhyming Slang: Jimmy Riddle = Piddle

Posted: 10:32 PM - Sep 19, 2011
Brahms brushes out her long brown hair and gives Lucas a discreet peck on the lips

No worries, Chuck! I'm just happy to spend some time with you.

Brahms goes back to her counter, giving Lucas a sultry look over her shoulder; upon seeing Slocombe's scowl she ceases her teasing

Have you thought about what sort of decorating you want to do for our department? I think I 'ave an idea for my fancy dress. It'll be even better if I can get Mr Lucas to do a couples thing with me.

Posted: 11:00 PM - Sep 19, 2011
<while in the gents, helping Humphries change pants>

I've been thinking about this costume thing, Mr. Humphries. Don't ya think I'd make a good Elvis?

Posted: 2:26 AM - Sep 20, 2011
Mr. Grainger wipes himself with water, and then bends down to check his own pants. He does not overhear Lucas discussing Humphries' wet trousers. Luckily, Mr. Grainger's trousers are mainly dry, but his shirt is soaked. The jacket and pants seemed to be more resistant to the water.

He dashes off to the changing room to change his shirt.

The menswear counter telephone rings ... Mr. Grainger answers because Lucas and Humphries are still in the changing room.

"Menswear ... This is Mr. Grainger speaking ..."

Posted: 3:42 AM - Sep 20, 2011
Humphries strips down to his pants and dries his trousers beneath a hot air hand drier

Elvis Presley? (snickers) Perhaps. To me you're more of a Benny Hill than anything.

Humphries puts his dry trousers back on

I've yet to even consider what I might go as. The last several fancy dress parties I tried to attend...well, I never made them! For some reason I was always held up or I got bad directions or I had a run-in with the police. All of the charges were dropped, mind you, and I've made several friends within the local precincts.
Let's see...I've tried going as the Red Shadow, Batman, Robin, a sailor, Frank Sinatra, a priest, the pope, a nun, Ginger Rogers, and John Wayne. (sees Lucas' disbelieving stare) John Wayne was on a bet and I lost. Now, what or whom shall I go as this year...?

Posted: 10:32 AM - Sep 20, 2011
Well, perhaps we should see if there is gonna be a theme to this costume party. If there's a theme, then all of us should try to dress according to the theme. That might make things more interesting and fun.

I wonder if Ms. Brahms would be interested in doing a couples theme? <crossing arms, with a coniving grin on face>

I know, we could do Adam and Eve! <heh heh heh>

Posted: 10:50 AM - Sep 20, 2011
I know why don't we have the department do a theme off a scary movie. Not too scary we don't want to really frighten the children but how about something like Mr. Boogedy? That nice Disney film they did about that family that moved to oh what was that town's name now its on the tip of me tongue!

Miss Brahams: It didn't have anything to do with Satan did it?

Mrs. Slocumbe: That's right it was Lucifer Falls. They all dressed up as witches and warlocks and other spooky characters. We could do something like that.

Posted: 10:53 AM - Sep 20, 2011
Don't you think dressing as witches and warlocks is a bit old fashioned Mrs. Slocumbe? Its been done so many times before. I do like your idea about centering the decorating and costumes around a movie theme though. It might make getting hold of decorations easier.

Posted: 1:14 PM - Sep 20, 2011
Did you hear that Mr. Humphries? Mrs. Slocumbe thought of a groovy idea! MOVIE theme! I know a great one...<running his hand thru the air> STAR WARS! <singing out the title tune>

I'll be Hans Solo and Ms. Brahms will be Princess Leah!

Posted: 1:28 PM - Sep 20, 2011
blink bigeyed laugh laughing2 gotanidea asleep

The excitement of the costume party ended up being too much for Mr. Grainger and he fell asleep while Peacock was talking.

Posted: 2:53 PM - Sep 20, 2011
<coming out of the gents with Mr. Humphries, notices Mr. Grainger leaned against the counter, sleeping snoring .>

<giggles> Glass of water for Mr. Grainger, or better yet, a cup of coffee.

Posted: 11:27 PM - Sep 20, 2011

Humphries: Mr. Grainger, are you free?

Grainger opens his eyes.

Grainger: I'm free! Have any decisions been made regarding the costumes?

Posted: 1:48 AM - Sep 21, 2011
What about a classic story, like Dracula or Frankenstein?

. o O ( Mrs Slocombe certainly has the hair for Frankenstein's wife... )

Or what about The Addams Family? It would be funny AND spooky at the same time. Captain Peacock would be a perfect Lurch. (giggles)

Posted: 1:50 AM - Sep 21, 2011
Nothing has been decided yet, Mr Grainger. I thought I could hear Mrs Slocombe and Miss Brahms mention doing a movie theme as far as decorating our floor. What do you two think?

OH! I've just had the perfect costume idea! I'm going to have to do some shopping tonight at the thrift store. I just hope they have pillbox hats...

Posted: 10:48 AM - Sep 21, 2011
Wouldn't Dracula or Frankenstein be as old fashioned as witches and warlocks Miss Brahams? Star Wars or the Addams Family sound good but I categorically refuse to play Lurch!

Mrs. Slocumbe: Well there are only three men parts in Addams Family Mr. Addams, Lurch and Uncle Fester unless you wish to play Cousin Itt. No one really knows what Cousin Itt was under all that hair. Come to think of it Mr. Humphries that might be a good role for you. You're about the same height as Cousin Itt. It wouldn't be hard to come up with all that hair. We wouldn't be able to come up with Thing very well either.

Mr. Humphries: I refuse to look like a mop Mrs. Slocumbe!

Captain Peacock: Well then you would be good in the role of Grandmamma Mrs. Slocumbe!

Mrs. Slocumbe: With a sneer on her face, on second thought lets stick with Star Wars or maybe Star Trek? I always wanted to be a member of the bridge crew. That might work out better with our department. Lets see Mr. Lucas naturally could be Captain Kirk with Miss Brahams as Yeoman Rand his trusty executive assistant. I thought of you first Captain Peacock but your demeanor wouldn't do. Captain Kirk is young and brash. You're definitely not brash Captain Peacock. Captain Peacock you might be good as Mr. Spock. You have the height for it and you do have that posh accent. We might be short a crew member or two unless Mr. Rumbold wishes to participate. We need a Mr. Scott, Mr. Sulu, Mr. Chekov, Bones, Miss Uhura and oh yes the nurse. Now what was her name its on the tip of me tongue. I've got it Nurse Chapel. She was always pining after Mr. Spock (as Captain Peacock rolls his eyes at that statement). I don't think I could pull off Miss Uhura very well. Captain Peacock mutters to himself I know you couldn't pull off the roll of Miss Uhura very well!

Captain Peacock: That does sound good Mrs. Slocumbe. It wouldn't be too hard to come up with decorations that we could make the department to look somewhat like the Enterprise without much cost. Star Wars is a good idea too mind but the costuming might be expensive. I'm glad we're all thinking about this now. The sooner we can give Mr. Rumbold ideas for the department the sooner we can get out of here tonight. You might not need to change your dinner reservations after all Mr. Lucas.

Posted: 3:27 PM - Sep 21, 2011
Star Trek eh? < Lucas thinks as he crosses his arms and ponders> Me, as Good ole Captain Kirk? I'd buy that...<glances over at Mr. Humphries and cracks a grin>

Captains Log...Starbase 68-6969...The crew is now assembled, ready for a night they will never forget...

<All just roll their eyes as they watch Lucas make a fool of himself again, Shirley and Claybourne giggles>

Posted: 3:44 PM - Sep 21, 2011

I think that Star Wars could be a problem because costuming and props could be expensive.

Perhaps the Star Trek idea has some merit.

Posted: 8:53 PM - Sep 21, 2011
Then its settled are we agreed on doing Star Trek for the department? I think Mr. Harmon should be able to knock a decent replica of the Enterprise bridge without too much trouble and expense. We'll have to come up with costume ideas though. I guess we'll still have to have this bloody conference to tell Mr. Rumbold and get his approval. Let's try not to get carried away like we usually do. We all have places to go and things we would rather do than to be here.

Posted: 9:01 PM - Sep 21, 2011
You know I've just had another thought. What about doing that cartoon show Scooby Doo live? Mr. Lucas could be Fred, Miss Brahams could be Daphne, I could be Velma the smart one oh no I don't think that will work we have too many characters left to fill.

Posted: 11:01 PM - Sep 21, 2011
Oh goody, <exclaims Lucas as he claps his hands and rubs them together vigorously> Now we can keep our dinner date as scheduled. I've waited a long time to get her to say yes.

Posted: 2:32 AM - Sep 22, 2011
Lookit 'im! He's like a little boy sometimes, ya know. Right down to the impish grin.

Posted: 11:50 AM - Sep 22, 2011
Miss Brahams give it a rest will you? I am pleased for you both that you have finally gotten together after all this time but the schmaltzy stuff has to go! We don't want to give Ladies Underware a bad name. I'm glad the men liked my idea of Star Trek as a department theme. You know if that works out well. I don't see why we can't use that as our costumes for the Halloween party.

Posted: 1:27 AM - Sep 23, 2011
Sorry Mrs Slocombe. I can't 'elp it, sometimes. 'E's just so adorable...

Catches Slocombe's glare and quickly switches back to the subject of decorating

Anyway, yeah, Star Trek sounds like a lot of fun. I think I saw some Enterprise uniform shirts down at the secondhand shoppe the other day. Might be a good idea if we grab 'em up quick-like!

Posted: 11:39 AM - Sep 23, 2011
<putting stock away>

Gee, Mr. Humphries. This Star Trek contest is gonna be tops! Can you imagine Ms. Brahms in one of those tight mini outfits....<onerey look on face as he shudders thinking of the sight, cold chills runs through his body>

<swallowing hard> I just might need a glass of water, Mr. Humphries...

Posted: 3:28 PM - Sep 23, 2011
You know that might be a good idea Miss Brahams. If we wait too long we might not be able to find anything to make costumes up with. I suppose the cost of all of this is going to have come from us. If we're lucky enough to win these contests that will probably make up for what we have to spend in costuming and decorations!

Posted: 3:41 PM - Sep 23, 2011
Captain Peacock was strolling around the floor and happened to overhear Mrs. Slocumbe and Miss Brahams' conversation. That's a good idea Miss Brahams. Would you mind checking that shoppe and seeing if there are shirts for the rest of us? I'm sure we can come up with black trousers and black skirts from stock to make up the rest of the costume. I realize the female's had those mini dresses but maybe a skirt would work just as well don't you think so ladies?

Mrs. Slocumbe: Yes I think that would work Captain Peacock. It may not be quite the uniform on the show but considering we'll have to pay for costuming ourselves only having to pay for the shirt wouldn't be too bad. We can always put the trousers and skirts back in stock with a reduction in price for shop soiled. I have an idea though. Mrs. Axelby's daughter sews quite well. I wonder if she would be able to knock up costumes for me and Miss Brahams? We could get the material here in our sewing notions department. I'll call Mrs. Axelby right now if I may Captain Peacock?

Captain Peacock: By all means Mrs. Slocumbe give her a call. The more of this idea we can thrash out in between serving customers the quicker we can get out of here tonight.

Miss Brahams: Right, I can check that second hand shoppe and see if they happen to have patterns I can look through. There might be something that Mrs. Axelby's daughter can adapt for us Mrs. Slocumbe.

Posted: 12:48 AM - Sep 24, 2011
The lift dings and a Scotsman comes down the stairs, in full kilt

Captain Peacock: Are you being served, Sir?

Scotsman: I be needin' the sayervices of yer Hom-frees.

Captain Peacock: I beg your pardon?

Scotsman: Hom-frees. The ferry-kek.

Captain Peacock: Ah! Yes, our Mr Humphries. One moment. Mr Humphries? Are you free?

Humphries: (looking left and right) I'm free! (strolls over) Oh! Mr Stewart! How are you today?

Mr Stewart: Aye, there's the bonny ferry-kek! Yer lookin' a bit peaky, Duck. Bit o'sun would d'ya good, laddy. Now, I'm after soom trous. Ah've got a bit of a do t'morrah an' want t'look m'best!

Humphries: Very good, sir. What waist size and inside leg?

Mr Stewart: M'waist is therty-six, but Ah've no idya what m'inside leg is. D'ya mind meas'rin' it?

Humphries: (looking Mr Stewart up and down, for he's a big muscular man) It must be my lucky day!

Posted: 10:15 AM - Sep 24, 2011
<standing there, arms crossed, smirk grin on face as he watches Humphries take his customer into the fitting room to measure his inside leg>

Oh boy...< he giggles as he walks to the counter and places his palms down> He'll be singing all day now!

Posted: 7:13 PM - Sep 24, 2011
As Captain Peacock shakes his head he mumbles to no one he does seem to attract them. As he has so often reminded us he is of an affectionate nature and he has many friends of all shapes, sizes, colors and sexes!

Posted: 9:11 PM - Sep 24, 2011
Brahms comes across some old stock stashed in a dark corner of the stock room; she takes it out and blows a thick film of dust off the top; it's labelled 'Space Stockings'

'Ere! Mrs Slocombe! 'Ave a lookit these.

She brings out the box and opens it on the counter; reaching in she takes out a pair of metallic-looking tights; they feel like regular tights and even stretch properly

Ooh, we should 'ave these on display wif our Star Trek decorations. They'd be quite a novelty!

Posted: 9:14 PM - Sep 24, 2011
Oi Captain Peacock? Are you free?

Mr. Harmon, it is after the opening bell and you know you shouldn't be on the floor much less yelling for me in that manner!

Mr. Harmon: Well then I guess you don't want to know that me and Seymour have the bits that you need to knock up the bridge of the Enterprise for the department then do you?

Captain Peacock: Oh very well Mr. Harmon.

Mr. Harmon: Do ye want us to make you a chair what Captain Kirk sits in?

Captain Peacock: He ponders this question for a few seconds. No, I don't think that would be very appropriate Mr. Harmon. That would have to be in the middle of the floor and that might confuse the customers. I think just the bridge would be fine.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Captain Peacock, we haven't made any firm decisions on what we're doing. Mr. Rumbold knows nothing about this.

Captain Peacock: I know that Mrs. Slocumbe however, I though that since all the other departments will be commandeering Mr. Harmon's time I thought it might be wise to conscript him right away for our endeavors. All we have to do is inform Mr. Rumbold of what we have decided with the Star Trek theme. I'm sure once he finds out that it won't cost that much to knock the bridge up we'll have no trouble with him.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Very well Captain Peacock.

Mr. Harmon: Well does that mean I can take my humble self back to my basement and see about getting this set up for ya?

Captain Peacock: Yes it does Mr. Harmon!

Posted: 9:17 PM - Sep 24, 2011
Oh yes Miss Brahams those tights look quite nice. I think they'll work out very well as a sale item for the holiday.

Posted: 10:57 PM - Sep 25, 2011
Brahms: What sort of shoes d'ya think we should wear? I figuh plain black boots will suffice. An' wif these tights we'll look jus' like the crew!

Slocombe is distracted by a middle-aged female customer; Brahms sees a young male customer of about fifteen wander toward the counter

Brahms: Good morning! Are you being served?

Boy: Whoa! Hey, that other lady - is she, like, an Oompa Loompa?

Brahms: WHAT?!

Boy: Her's, like, all green and stuff.

Brahms: (notices the boy's eyes are red) Captain Peacock? Are you free?

Peacock: At the moment, Miss Brahms.

Brahms beckons him over while the boy stares at Slocombe, who is oblivious

Brahms: I think this kid 'ere might be toking on the green, if you get my drift.

Peacock: I don't quite follow you, Miss Brahms.

Brahms mimes taking a toke from a joint and points to the boy; Peacock understands and suddenly looks very stern; he walks over to the boy and taps him on the shoulder; when he has the lad's attention he leads him to the centre display stand where they can talk privately (but Brahms and Lucas can hear every word spoken)

Peacock: Young man, your eyes are quite red. Have you been smoking dope?

Boy: Yeah, well, your eyes look glazed, mate. You been eating doughnuts?

Peacock: (now furious) Young man, we at Grace Brothers do not tolerate the use of marijuana by our staff or by customers. I must ask you to leave now or I will contact a higher authority to remove you.

Boy: (eyes wide with fear) You're gonna get Jesus to kick me out?

Peacock: (facepalms) No, that's your higher power. A higher authority would be our security guards.

Boy: Ohhhh...okay. Gotcha. I'm out. But one thing before I go. I need some directions, please. Maybe you can help me.

Peacock: Oh very well...

Boy: (very serious look on his face) Um...can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?

Peacock: (facepalms again) Go home...

Posted: 11:13 PM - Sep 25, 2011
<snickers, leaning towards Ms. Brahms> Sesame Street!

Did ya see the look on ole Peacocks face? < elbows Shirley> I thought his moustache was gonna curl! <laughs>

Posted: 3:01 AM - Sep 26, 2011
Grainger comes out storage just as Peacock tries to dismiss the 15 year old boy. At first he couldn't understand what was happening but then he realized that the boy was drugged.

Grainger unloads a box of socks, y-fronts, and fair isle sweaters on to his counter. He starts sorting his merchandise ... as Lucas snickers, Grainger is folding pairs of black, brown, yellow, and red socks.

The boy walks instead towards the Menswear counter.

Boy: Whoa, COOKIES!

He picks up a pair of brown socks just as Grainger stares at him dumbfounded as the boy tries to put the socks in his mouth.

Grainger: Those are mine ... put them down this instant.

Boy: Are these from sesame street? I demand to speak to the Cookie Monster! I want peanut butter cookies ...

Peacock heads toward the counter and readdresses the boy.

Peacock: This is a department store and we do not sell any food items. I just warned you that I would plan to contact security services if you did not leave immediately.

Peacock points at Lucas.

Peacock: Lucas, telephone and inform security services that their presence is required in the department straight away.

Boy: Hey, I only wanted to eat some cookies ... you need to chill out man.

Lucas rushes over and picks up the telephone, still having a smirk on his face.

Lucas: (on the telephone) Hello, security services? This is Mr. Lucas from Ladies Apparel and Gentlemen's Ready-Made Department. My floorwalker, Captain Peacock, requests assistance.

He pauses and smirks after hanging up.

Lucas: Captain Peacock, most of the guards are having coffee breaks. One guard will be down in five minutes after she comes back after her hair dressing appointment ... apparently her roots needed getting done.

Grainger stares confused. huh2

Peacock looks like he has flames coming out of his ears. shakingfist

By then, Mr. Humphries came out of the fitting room to check the trousers that they had in stock. He had measured the Scot. However, his glee and happiness was dashed away when he saw Peacock's glare.

Posted: 8:56 AM - Sep 26, 2011
<seeing that Captain Peacock is getting weary of this teenagers shennanagans...Lucas steps in>

Watch this Shirley..<he states as he walks over to the lad and puts his hand on his shoulder>

Cookies you want? <he says in his melodious tone and giggles> My lad, I know the way to Sesame Street!

Come with me and I shall take you to the cookie monster and get all the cookies your little tum-tum can hold.

<putting his arm around the stoner, he walks him towards the lifts, looking back at the crew, gives a thumbs up and a cocky wink, but fixes face when the lad looks up at him>

<enters lifts. Tells the lift girl: Ground Floor please, we must get to Sesame Street>

Posted: 2:53 PM - Sep 26, 2011
Mr. Rumbold comes out of his office. I have just received a call from Lost and Found Captain Peacock.

Captain Peacock: Why would lost and found be calling for you? You didn't lose anything did you? Everyone else shakes their heads no as well.

Mr. Rumbold: Apparently one of our customers misplaced her son. She said he's about 15 and he may appear like he's intoxicated however, not of his own free will. His doctors were trying out some new medications on him and its made him come all over funny. She was waiting at the chemists counter for his refills when he got away from her.

Mr. Humphries: Oh my word! He was just here wanting to munch cookies and directions to Sesame Street so he could visit the Cookie Monster! Mr. Lucas was just escorting him out, gently mind you, of the store as the security guards are on their break. I'll see if I can catch him before he makes the ground floor. Permission to leave the floor Captain Peacock?

Captain Peacock: Permission granted. Just get that boy back to his mother before anything else happens to him. They ought to put children on a leash!

Mr. Humphries quickly leaves the floor to catch up to Mr. Lucas and the boy.

Posted: 4:16 PM - Sep 26, 2011
Another customer, this time a twenty-something female in tight jeans approaches the counter; Slocombe is still busy, so Brahms attends to her

Brahms: Good morning, ma'am! Are you being served?

Customer: Oh, hello! Ooh! Aren't you one of the models in the sales paper?

Brahms: (smiling brightly now) Why yes!

Customer: You were wearing that black dress with the fishnet tights, correct?

Brahms: Yes, that was me.

Customer: Brill! Do you have any in stock?

Brahms: Certainly! Do you know your size?

Customer: Well, it's not for me, actually.

Brahms: Oh?

Customer: (leaning over and whispering) It's for my girlfriend. Tomorrow's our anniversary. We've been together five years. I showed her that salespaper and we both agreed that you looked amazing in that frock.

Brahms: blink Er...thanks?

Customer: She's about your size, but maybe an inch shorter. D'you think you could...?

The customer raises an eyebrow; Brahms is frozen with fear, until...

Customer: know, pick out the right size for me. Maybe suggest some accessories. I wanna really make her day tomorrow.

Brahms: (very relieved) Oh yes, of course. Right this way...

Posted: 4:28 PM - Sep 26, 2011
The lift dings and the two menswear assistants exit; as they descend the stairs Lucas is chuckling and Humphries looks satisfied

Peacock: Ah! Did you return the boy to his mother?

Humphries: We did, Captain Peacock. She was quite relieved to see him. Turns out he'd just come out of dental surgery and was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia. They'd given him ketamine and that can certainly muck about with your perception.

Lucas: Best part was she did have bickies! Look! (dips his hand in his jacket pocket and holds up a wrapped piece of shortbread) She was so relieved to see the boy that she gave us a reward.

Peacock: Put that away until your coffee break, Mr Lucas. You should look to your superiors as an example. Why, I'll bet Mr Humphries doesn't have shortbread in his pockets.

Humphries: He's quite right, you know. (dipping into his pocket and extracting...) I have a gingerbread man!

Posted: 8:10 PM - Sep 26, 2011
Grainger smirks as well ... he had strawberry shortcake in the underwear drawer! However, he doesn't say anything to Peacock, considering the drama that already unfolded with the boy. He couldn't wait to reveal the whole saga to his wife when he returned home. It was very hillarious, albeit at Peacock's expense. If the mother complained to Young Mr. Grace, then Peacock would have been reprimanded trying to have the boy arrested ... instead Lucas saved the day and became their champion.

However, it seemed that Peacock would be the last person to praise Lucas. He was just too cocky and pompous to ever thank a junior.

Grainger: I see some customers coming into our department, Mr. Lucas and Mr. Humphries ... look lively!

Peacock is startled because he didn't see them exit the lifts. He fumes privately and then rushes over to greet them. Grainger turns to Lucas and Humphries.

Grainger: (whispers) He got his just deserts didn't he? Pompous twit.

Humphries stares at Mr. Grainger because he was surprised at his language.

Grainger: (whispers) He should be thanking Mr. Lucas for his creativity, for imagine if things turned out differently the mother could have filed a complaint against Captain Peacock.

Posted: 8:10 PM - Sep 26, 2011
(OOC: please delete this post, I accidentally posted this twice.)

Posted: 10:37 PM - Sep 26, 2011
I quite agree, Mr Grainger. But you're right - Peacock will never stoop to thanking a junior.

Humphries suddenly remembers the Scotsman

AUGH! Mr Stewart! (dashes into the fitting room)

Posted: 12:05 AM - Sep 27, 2011
Thank you Mr. Grainger. Knowing that Captain Peacock got his "just deserts" like you said, and hearing you call him "pompous twit" was reward enough for this <he does the finger quote movements> champion. <giggles>

Posted: 12:17 AM - Sep 27, 2011
One of these days Miss Brahams and Captain Peacock is going to get his comeuppance and I am unanimous in that! Imagine automatically thinking that poor child was drugged. Well he was but not in the way we thought at first. He just jumped to conclusions that the young lad was not right in the wrong sense. Thanks to our Mr. Lucas the department was saved a black eye (as Miss Brahams fumes at Mrs. Slocumbe referring to Mr. Lucas as "our").

Miss Brahams: ea he's my fella now. I've waited too long for someone like im to come along. Who would ave thought that under that cheeky attitude and boring suit e's good lookin and a right white knight and e's all mine she gushes.

Posted: 4:24 PM - Sep 27, 2011
crying Television writer David Croft dies aged 89 crying

David Croft, co-writer and producer of classic comedies including: 'Allo 'Allo and Hi-de-Hi has died at the age of 89, his family has announced.

He died peacefully in his sleep at his home in Portugal. His family called him a "truly great man" in a statement.

Croft's military sitcoms: It Ain't Half Hot Mum and Dad's Army, written with Jimmy Perry, were hits in the 1970s.

He is also credited with Are You Being Served and its 1990s spin-off Grace and Favour.

~God Bless this man for giving us AYBS? Well, me. R.I.P. You are well loved and respected. Thank you ~

Posted: 5:09 PM - Sep 27, 2011
And I am unanimous in that! I propose we don't play today in homage to Mr. Croft or maybe we should he's probably getting a giggle out of us (I hope).

Posted: 9:47 PM - Sep 27, 2011
Here here. I agree with Sue, though. He'd probably get a kick out of what we're doing with this RPG.

Much love to you, David! Give our love to Mollie, Wendy, John, Trevor, Arthur B, Arthur E, Harold, Kenneth, and all the others!

Posted: 11:24 PM - Sep 27, 2011
To play, or not to play? That is the question...For this man was the creator of the show we love, yet it will live FOREVER in our hearts and on this site. Cheers! Again, I thank you Mr. Croft. R.I.P! You will be missed.

Posted: 5:11 PM - Sep 28, 2011
Humphries: Sale Mr. Grainger <he sings as he walks out with Mr. Stewart and the trousers>

Mr. Grainger: Sale Mr. Humphries.

<The tally is rang up and the package is handed over to the customer and Mr. Humphries returns to his spot at the counter, humming.>

I knew you'd be singing the rest of the day. < snickers Lucas as he crosses his arms and watch Humphries glow>

Humphries: Now you bite your tongue. I didn't get to measure his inside leg, those Scotties are measured from the outside. <cracks a grin as he leans in and whispers> but, I did oblige in holding his kilt as he tried the trousers on. <snickers>

Boy, wasn't that something about that young lad? I mean, who'd thunk that Captain Peacock would've made a bad judgement call like that?

<both shakes their heads slowly...tsk,tsk,tsking as they do>

<Grainger brings over another box of items needing tagged, so they open it up and start to work..>

BTW, <questions Lucas as they tag the items for sale> Have you ever, ya'kno?...<held his hand to his lips, mimicking a toke from a joint>

Posted: 11:20 AM - Sep 30, 2011
A customer approaches Captain Peacock. Are you being served madam? I need to get some winter gear. We're heading to Switzerland for a skiing holiday. I'm sure Mrs. Slocumbe will be able to outfit you properly she's just over here. Captain Peacock takes the woman to the counter. Mrs. Slocumbe are you free?

Mrs. Slocumbe: She puts down the pair of naughty knickers she's pricing. I'm free Captain Peacock.

Captain Peacock: This customer is looking for winter gear for a skiing holiday.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Certainly madam come this way and I'll show you the new line of ski wear as she takes her off to one side of the department.

Posted: 11:06 PM - Sep 30, 2011
<Humphries was just starting to answer when Mr. Grainger called for him>

Blimey, I bet it was gonna be a good tale too...<snickers Lucas as he continued to mark the items>

<A customer walks by> Are you being served? <replies> Oh, up the stairs and to the left. Huh, must be raining again.

< starts whistling softly as he works, glancing over every so often at Shirley>

Posted: 5:22 AM - Oct 01, 2011
Please continue for another two weeks.


Posted: 3:42 PM - Oct 01, 2011
Well that was a sale of almost 70 pounds! That makes almost 3 pounds in commission for me Miss Brahams!

Miss Brahams: I just had a sale of 60 pounds and that makes 2 pounds for me! At this rate we might make enough in commissions to pay for this Halloween party.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Yes the sales have been quite good this week so far haven't they. That new line of winter gear seems to be quite popular and all. Mind you its the first time I've seen something in this department that is fairly modern in style.

Posted: 10:23 PM - Oct 01, 2011
The day wears on and at one o'clock the staff break for lunch in the Canteen and its abysmal fare; Humphries takes a seat first at their regular table, as he had his brown sack that day; Brahms exits the queue first and drops into her usual chair, next to Humphries

Brahms: What's that you have there?

Humphries: Caprese.

Brahms: Gesundheit.

Humphries: (laughs) Let me show you. (he takes out a plastic container and opens it, explaining as he goes) What you do, is you take a piece of tomato and put a thin slice of mozzarella cheese on top, then garnish with a bit of fresh basil. Here, try it.

Brahms: Ooh, that's quite nice!

Humphries: Here, have some more. I'm covered in it!

Brahms: 'Ow come you've got so much?

Humphries: Well, you see, I had this dinner party on Saturday night and invited several friends whose parties I missed due to circumstances beyond my control. Anyway, only two showed up. The rest, I found out, never believed any of my excuses, so they ditched me.

Brahms: That's terrible!

Humphries: Not really. At least now I have my meals prepared for the week with the leftover food and I know where I truly stand with some of my 'friends'.

Posted: 10:36 PM - Oct 01, 2011
Brahms: What sort of parties did they 'ave?

Humphries: Mostly fancy dress. There was sometimes a theme. For instance, this one friend of mine had an Alice in Wonderland theme. I went as the Mad Hatter. I had a big top hat with a card stuck in the side; a dark violet three-piece; yellow socks with pink spots; and I kept a plastic cup and saucer in my hands. Trouble was, people kept pouring liqueur into it.

Brahms: Did you get plastered?

Humphries: I did! Fortunately, Alice came to my rescue just as I got into a heated debate with the Cheshire Cat that was about to get physical. The next thing I knew I was being dragged away by a castle and a bishop, who put me in Alice's car and took me home.

Brahms: That was very sweet of her.

Humphries: What makes you think Alice was a 'her'? (he gives her a sly wink) I sobered up just enough by the time we got back to invite him in for coffee. I threw him out at half-past three when he offered to show me his 'rabbit hole' if I'd have some brightly-coloured sweets from a tin that said, 'Eat me'.

Brahms: You know some very strange people, Mr Humphries.

Humphries: (shrugs) They all seem perfectly normal to me.

Posted: 1:23 AM - Oct 02, 2011
Blimey Mr. Humphries, <Lucas blurts out as he sits at the end of the table> Have ya gone vegan? <noticing his lunch>

Humphries: Not at all. As I was tellin' Ms. Brahms...I had a dinner party this past saturday night and these are the leftovers. Want one?

No thanks..Savin' room for the dinner date tonight. <smiling big, starts to eat his regular sardine on toast yech .>

So, Mr. Humphries...who're you dressin' up as for this Star Trek galla? Scotty or Mr. Sulu? or perhaps the doc?

Posted: 4:29 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Mrs. Slocumbe arrives at the table with her lunch. Rissoles again! The canteen sure is getting in a rut. Pass me some of that brown sauce Mr. Lucas I don't even want to think how many flying creatures may have left their footprints on it. They were buzzing around them something awful.

Mr. Lucas: What character are you going to play from Star Trek Mrs. Slocumbe?

Mrs. Slocumbe: I've decided to play that nurse whatever her name was what wants to get close with Mr. Spock only he's having none of it. I can't seem to keep her name in me mind. I was thinking about playing Uhura but there is no way I could pull off playing her character with any degree of sincerity.

Mr. Lucas: No, I can't see you playing Uhura with any degree of anything Mrs. Slocumbe!

Mrs. Slocumbe: You shut your cake hole Mr. Lucas! Mr. Grainger can't you control your junior any better than this?

Posted: 4:32 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Captain Peacock arrives at the table with his rissole and grumbling about the conditions in the canteen.

I assume we're all discussing what character we wish to play from Star Trek?

Mr. Lucas pipes up: Yes Mrs. Slocumbe is going to play the nurse and her name is Christine Chapel Mrs. Slocumbe. That only leaves you, Mr. Rumbold and Mr. Grainger to pick the other characters. There are only Mr. Spock, Scotty and Bones left you know.

Posted: 6:34 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Mr. Grainger returns from the queue with his soup, crackers, and tea. He sits at his usual position at the table.

I will play Bones.

Grainger stretches his arm to reach the creamer but it is too far down the table.

Mr. Lucas, could you please pass me the creamer?

Posted: 10:08 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Humphries snatches up the creamer and passes it down

Here you are, Mr Grainger.

You know, I think I will go as Mr Sulu. For some strange reason I feel like George Takei and I have something in common...

Everyone rolls their eyes, but Humphries does not notice

Posted: 10:21 PM - Oct 02, 2011
<snickers> I thought as much.

That only leaves Scotty and Mr. Spock for you Captain Peacock. I really think that you should do Mr. Spock. You have the stance and poise for that character.

Mrs. Slocumbe, do ya think that Mrs. Alexby's daughter will be able to make the outfits for us in time?

Posted: 10:44 PM - Oct 02, 2011
Brahms: They don't 'ave many roles for women on there, do they?

Slocombe: What do you expect? It's a man's world!

Brahms: I know. Between the two of us we only 'ave two characters to choose from: Uhura and Chapel. The men get to pick between Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Bones, Sulu, an' Scotty.

Slocombe: And I've already bagsied Chapel!

Brahms: I guess I'm Uhura then.


Posted: 11:01 PM - Oct 02, 2011
<at that moment, they heard a fork drop to the floor. Lucas' elbow slipped off the table and his body fell against the table. He sits up quick, his eyebrows are fixed high and his eyes are sparkling big and bright.>

UHURA!!!! < he sqeals in his high toned voice>

Humphries: glass of water for Mr. Lucas..QUICK!

Posted: 1:52 AM - Oct 03, 2011
Grainger rushes to the register and explains what happened. He then hurries back to the table with a tall glass of water for Lucas.

Grainger: Glass of water for you, Mr. Lucas.

He hands Lucas the glass of water. The group watches as Lucas tries to finish the glass, but he has a hard time and nearly spills some of it down his shirt.

Posted: 3:27 AM - Oct 03, 2011
Humphries: Tarpaulin for Mr Lucas.

Brahms: 'Ere, 'ow long d'ya think it'll take for 'Armon an' 'is lot to make that fake bridge?

Humphries: Good question. Let's see...if I remember correctly, from my days in Tools and Do-It-Yourself, a project of that calibre would normally take two days to complete, given a normal eight-hour workday with two fifteen-minute breaks and one hour for lunch. However, seeing as we're talking about Harmon and his union crew, who prefer to stretch things out as far as possible to cop the overtime - two pounds says a week and Saturday morning. (he slaps two coins on the table)

Peacock: (adding two more coins) Sunday as well!

Grainger: (counting out coins) I'm a bit short right now, but I'll say five days.

Lucas: I'm skint, so I won't bet on a fortnight.

Brahms: (placing four notes on the table) I've got yours and mine, an' I say ten days.

Slocombe: Really! Placing bets on Maintenance? You all should be ashamed of yourselves - especially you, Stephen, after all those years battling your gambling addiction!

Humphries: Are you going to wager or not?

Slocombe: (hesitates, then slaps down her two quid) Four days, tops.

Posted: 1:06 PM - Oct 03, 2011
Miss Brahams I thought you were playing that Yeoman what's her name its on the tip of me tongue.... Rand that's it I thought you were going to play her since Captain Kirk fancied her and everything.

Miss Brahams: e fancied all the girls well what girls there were that we saw on the show.

Mrs. Slocumbe: That he did Miss Brahams as I said before its a man's world isn't it?

Posted: 6:59 PM - Oct 03, 2011
Well, ya kno', with bein' the Captain...<snickering as he wipes his chin with a napkin> That title came with alot of privledges....heh heh heh.

Posted: 11:59 PM - Oct 03, 2011
It will be very interesting to come to work dressed in a Federation Starfleet uniform instead of my usual three-piece. Mother will think I'm going to some sort of science fiction convention.

Posted: 2:19 PM - Oct 04, 2011
I agree, Mr. Humphries, I agree...Mind you, I think Ms. Brahms better wait 'till she gets to work to change into her costume. <snickers > Don't wanna cause a major pile up of traffic while walking to work, now would'ya? <seductive grin and raised eyebrow>

Posted: 7:47 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Oh yes that reminds me Miss Brahams we need to ask Mr. Rumbold if we are to appear in costume on the floor or if the costumes are strictly for the party and contest. I've already had a go at the shoe department. I'll need everyone's shoe size so we can get the boots. Mr. Cline said he would just put them back in stock as shop soiled. I wonder how a pair of shoes can be shop soiled oh well as long as we don't have to pay for those as well.

Posted: 7:50 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Come on everyone its almost closing time. Lets get things ready for this conference so we can get out of here as quickly as we can. Mr. Harmon and Seymour are bringing up the tables and chairs now.

Posted: 10:16 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Humphries: I'm seven and a half.

Lucas: I thought you would be...

Humphries: I shall smack your wrist in a minute!

Posted: 10:24 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Brahms: I'm a nine, but sometimes I wear a nine an' a 'alf just 'cause it's more comfortable.

Lucas: I'd say you were a ten, easily. (winks at Brahms)

Peacock: I wear a size eleven. (puffs his chest out a little)

Grainger: I-I believe my shoes are elevens as well. I'll go up to the shoe department and have Mr Grossman check for me before I go home tonight. Mrs Grainger usually buys my shoes for me and over the years I've forgotten how big I am.

Humphries: (pointing at Lucas) NOT ONE WORD!

Lucas: I wasn't gonna say anything! Well, except that I wear a twelve. (winks at Brahms again)

Slocombe: (writing down all their shoe sizes) Right! I'll give the shoe department a ring when we return from lunch.

Fast-forward to the closing bell; Harmon and Seymour have the tables set up for the departmental meeting

Posted: 11:11 PM - Oct 04, 2011
Gah, Blimey..<complaining as he sits, tapping his foot, waiting for the meeting to start> Here we are, waiting for this fool meeting to start when I have a dinner date with Ms. Brahms in an hour!

Humphries: Where are you planning to take her?

That joint down the street. I believe it's called Giovannis.

Humphries: How're you gonna afford that? 'specially on your commission. <snickers>

Ahh, yes, yes. Well, ya see Mr. Humphries. I've been doing odd jobs after work. As soon as I leave here, I have little tasks to do elsewhere.

<pulls out moneyclip and shows him his bundle> Like I said, I've waited so long for her to say yes.

Posted: 11:27 AM - Oct 05, 2011
Captain Peacock is sitting there in his usual spot looking very put out. Just like old Rumbold to keep us sitting here waiting on him! Mind you he did have to go up to the boardroom (they all look upwards) for a meeting Young Mr. Grace called. He probably fell asleep in the middle of it again. I'm glad we hashed out most of this in between serving customers and at lunch. I bet he wants to play Mr. Spock. What is the line up for the roles? Lets see Miss Brahams will play Yeoman Rand, Mr. Lucas is Captain Kirk, Mrs. Slocumbe will be Nurse Chapel, Mr. Humphries will play Mr. Sulu, Mr. Grainger will play Bones. Well that tears it I'm not letting him cop Mr. Spock and as Mrs. Slocumbe says I am unanimous in that! So that leaves only three roles Jugears could play Mr. Chekov or Mr. Scott unless he is so inclined to take on the role of Lt. Uhura.

Posted: 11:36 AM - Oct 05, 2011
Quite right Captain Peacock you should play Mr. Spock. That is more in line with your bearing. We must remember that we are not actually acting these roles merely dressing up as the characters but, I can see why everyone wants to stay as authentic as possible to give the customers a good experience. Oh yes, I rang Mrs. Axelby and she rang her daughter who said she'd sew up the costume shirts for us if Miss Brahams can find a pattern that she can alter to work for us. I rang Mr. Cline (He's Mr. Grossman's assistant you know) and he's going to look thru the boots and see what sizes he can rustle up for us. Hopefully he has sizes for all of us. My word Mr. Humphries I didn't think you had that big of a foot! They always seemed so tiny to me especially since you are so light on your feet.

Posted: 11:52 AM - Oct 05, 2011
Mr. Rumbold just steps out of the lift doors. Good evening everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting so long Young Mr. Grace fell asleep in the middle of the meeting again. I do hope you all have been giving some thought as to what you want to do for the department decorations.

Captain Peacock: Yes we have Mr. Rumbold. We have decided that we will do Star Trek. It won't take much to turn the department into the bridge of the USS Enterprise and Mr. Harmon has already acquired the materials and begun on the construction. We've already got the boots coming for us and by the way Mr. Rumbold, Mrs. Slocumbe needs your shoe size to give to Mr. Cline. Mrs. Slocumbe's friend Mrs. Axelby's daughter has consented to sew up the uniform shirts for us and we can get black trousers and skirts from this department for the lower garments. We'll put those back in stock as shop soiled and sell them at a reduced price. We've already chosen what roles we will portray. I will be Mr. Spock (he says this very firmly). Mr. Lucas will play Captain Kirk, Miss Brahams will play Yeoman Rand, Mr. Grainger will play Bones, Mr. Humphries will play Mr. Sulu and Mrs.Slocumbe will play Nurse Chapel. That leaves three roles for you to pick for your character Mr. Rumbold Mr. Scott, Ensign Chekov or Lt. Uhura. I don't recommend Lt. Uhura for you sir, you simply do not have the legs to pull it off. We also decided that we will wear the uniforms to the party.

Mr. Rumbold: I see you've worked out most of the logistics of this endeavor. Well there doesn't seem to be much else to discuss then does it? I would have thought it would be more appropriate for me to play Captain Kirk, Captain Peacock.

Captain Peacock: Well we did think of you first for the role (he rolls his eyes and the others do likewise) however, you are not on the floor as it were like Mr. Lucas. Neither myself, Mr. Humphries nor Mr. Grainger would be able to play that role convincingly either. So which one will it be Mr. Rumbold Mr. Scott or Ensign Chekov? Remember they are two important roles on the bridge (trying to jolly Mr. Rumbold into not usurping the role of Spock from him).

Mr. Rumbold: Oh very well I'll take over as Mr. Scott. I wouldn't be able to do the Russian accent very convincingly. A Scottish burr I might be able to reproduce if necessary. However, you shouldn't have authorized Mr. Harmon to begin doing anything Captain Peacock. You don't have that much authority.

Captain Peacock: You'll have to forgive me for making that decision Mr. Rumbold. You see I didn't want to tarry in gaining Mr. Harmon's services for the decorating. All the other departments will be clamoring for him as well and I thought this would save us some time. The materials aren't going to cost Young Mr. Grace anything either. Mr.. Harmon is using spare wood and other materials that were left over from DIY projects when they cut the wood for the size the customer need.

Mr. Rumbold: Oh very well. I can see the logic in your acquiring Mr. Harmon and the fact that the materials will be of no cost to the store. Just don't let this happen again you should consult me first.

Captain Peacock: (Rolling his eyes upward) Certainly sir.

Mrs. Slocumbe: Mr. Rumbold do you wish us to arrive with the costumes on or would you prefer that we changed after we got here? I need your shoe size as well.

Mr. Rumbold: Well I would think that it would be better if we attired ourselves in the costumes after we arrive. Mind you, you all get here a bit early that day so you have time to change! My shoe size is a 10 Mrs. Slocumbe. Well now that its all sorted out I guess there isn't much more to do so dismissed everyone. They all get up and rush for their coats.

Posted: 12:58 PM - Oct 05, 2011
Ms. Brahms: 'Ere, hold up...I want to change outta my work duds. Mrs. Slocumbe, could ya 'elp me out?

Mrs. Slocumbe: Of course dear. <Shirley grabs a bag out of a drawer and they both go into the fitting room>

Mr. you think this jacket is alright? <Lucas asks as he pulls around on it> I think it's kinda tattered. Mr. Grainger, May I borrow a dinner jacket outta stock for just tonight?

<Grainger seeing the urgency in Lucas' eyes and remembers back in his young days nod with a grin and the two wisk back into the mens fitting room>

~15 minutes later~

<Mrs. Slocumbe steps out of the fitting room with a big smile on her face.> Mr. Lucas? Your date is ready. <she chimes>

At this point, Lucas is making sure he has everything in place. He's adjusting his tie as he hears Mrs. Slocumbe announce that Shirley is ready. He turns around in time to see...

Ms. Brahms walk out in a strapless black dress, skin tight, mid length...just past her hips but not to her knees. A black laced shawl drapped around her bare shoulders.

Her hair done up. Pulled back into a tail, but rolled up into a circular bun, and a lock on each side curled down along her face.

Make up adjusted for the event and tear drop earrings set off the ensemble. >

MY DEAR GOD!!! <Lucas gasps as he stares, along with the others> <reaching into his personal drawer and pulls out a corsage, he walks over and gulps as he tries to pin it on her...

After a few attempts and clearing his throat, he hands it to her...with a blushing grin. She pins it on herself, giggling. >

Are we ready now? <he asks as he offers his arm and smiles bigger than ever> <she nods and takes his arm and they wave good night to all as they walk up the stairs and enter the lifts.

As the doors closed, the staff could see Shirley with a school girl smile on her face, and Lucas looking like he's gonna faint.>

Humphries: I hope he lives through it....<giggles as he puts his coat on>

Posted: 12:21 AM - Oct 06, 2011
The next morning...

The lift doors ding and Humphries minces down two steps before he stops, foot in air, and stares open-mouthed at the floor; it is an exact replica, nearly, of the bridge of the Starship Enterprise; the counters look like control panels, but the clothing is still on racks, in their usual positions; a 'captain's chair' is in the middle of the floor; a mannequin in a Federation Starfleet uniform is sitting in it, with a second mannequin standing quite close behind him; this one has pointed ears and slanted eyebrows; obviously a Spock mock-up

My WORD! (he descends the stairs) They've really outdone themselves in Maintenance. I guess we all lost our wagers. Well, I suppose whomever was closest will win the pool. Oh! Would you look at that?

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